Saturday, July 16, 2011

Minnie Mouse

This custom party was inspired by an adorable mouse, Minnie Mouse!  The birthday girl specifically asked for a Minnie birthday party after returning from her trip from Disneyland.  So the creative wheels began to turn.  First came the adorable invitations.  They were 5 1/2 inches and handcrafted.  We wanted to have a coordinating birthday banner but the facility where the party was held prohibits hanging items in the party room.  Boo!  But we were able to customize a special cake that did coordinate with the theme and invitations.  It HAD to be pink per the request of the birthday girl.  Too cute!

The invitations were approximately 5 1/2 inches.

Custom Cake!  White cake (colored pink), butter cream frosting, and marshmallow fondant) Yum!

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